
Miss Nightingale: back to Nature

Contardi Lighting is excited to announce the agreement with the renowned Dutch designer Annet van Egmond to become the sole distributor of a new lighting concept entirely powered by Nature.

Contardi à la mode

Our passion for using fine fabrics that we often incorporate in our designs, and the skilful tailoring style, have become a distinctive key feature of our lights – they are truly unique and have a strong personality, just like a designer dress.

The Clockspire Restaurant

Studio Indigo choose the magic suggestive transparencies of Cornelia for illuminating the award-winning restaurant, The Clockspire

Villa on the Isar High Bank

A stunning Palladian-style villa on the Isar High Bank, Tyrol, Germany, where classic and modern styles combine to create a match made in heaven.

Josephine - by Massimiliano Raggi

Contardi’s journey of sensory exploration continues with Josephine, designed by Massimiliano Raggi, a contemporary design with a vintage heart.

Lutetia Hotel, Paris

Contardi Contract Division has supplied the lighting for the renovation of the 5* Lutetia Hotel in Paris, an iconic landmark situated in the vibrant Saint-Germain-des-prés area, on the renowned “Rive Gauche”.

G+T Battery - Chapter 3

Here we are at the last chapter of our G+T story, and the mysterious Jeffrey Glass has hit the mark once again!

G+T Battery - Chapter 2

G+T Battery, designed by Jeffrey Glass, proves once again its versatility thanks to a practical table fixing accessory.

G+T Battery - Chapter 1

Switch on your creativity with G+T, designed by Jeffrey Glass, a multifunctional and innovative lamp born from the need to bring light everywhere.
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